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Главная » 2009 » Май » 26 » В Калифорнии застрелен подросток баловавшийся страйкбольным оружием
В Калифорнии застрелен подросток баловавшийся страйкбольным оружием
Simon из Madbull прислал информацию опубликованную Stryke Airsoft о случае открытого ношения страйкбольного оружия неизвестным в камуфляже, бродившего от здания к зданию калифорнийского университета Irvine (Orange County, штат Калифорния) 21 мая 2009 года. А также о случае повлекшем гибель 15 летнего подростка, баловавшегося со страйкбольным оружием. Он был застрелен полицейским после того, как направил на него свой AEG (11 мая 2009 года).

Ниже приведены несколько простых правил, для того чтоб не иметь проблем с полицией, мирным населением и для предотвращения инцидентов, которые могут повлечь ущемление или полный запрет страйкбола, а именно:

  1. Переносить страйкбольное оружие в хорошо закрытом чехле или сумке для переноски.
  2. Не надо выпендриваться и ходить по улице в полном обмундировании даже если ствол зачехлён, экипированый человек с чехлом в руках создаёт впечатление недобрых намерений.
  3. Не стрелять на улице среди мирного населения/домов/транспорта и т.п.

"This is MadBull.
I got a message from Stryke Airsoft.
They are located in Orange County, CA.
Yesterday, something terrible just happened in UC Irvine. (In Orange County)
My wife is working at UC Irvine and she was in campus at that time.
She can totally feel the fear and the whole accident was caused by a Airsoft player holding AEG at school.

News link here: latimesblogs.latimes.com

Claudio, from Stryke Airsoft want me help him to post this statement.
Hope all Airsoft players can enjoy this sport without causing trouble to themselves and to the Airsoft community…
Boy got shot!
With the ever growing popularity of the airsoft community we can’t afford to forget the basics. Lately there was an officer involved shooting on a 15 years old boy when he was brandishing an airsoft gun on his bike. Although the gun had an orange tip, it was pointed at the officer and he was subsequently shot for it. (May 11th, 2009)
Gunman hold Airsoft in UC Irvine campus!
May 21st, 2009, another recent incident was a report of a “military looking” man on the UCI campus walking from building to building with a rifle while dressed in desert military fatigues. There was an alert posted on the news as well as UCI alerts that go directly to student’s cell phones (This is something that is completely unacceptable and that should NEVER happen). The more incidents like this the more airsoft will slowly become more and more regulated and eventually completely illegal.
Remember that this sport is currently frowned upon by many groups because of the realistic look and action of the guns. It also doesn’t help that most airsofters remove the required orange tip (which is required to have by Federal Law). It’s very important that everyone, veteran or beginner that we ALL respect and abide by the rules. Failure to do so will only cause airsoft to become illegal or heavily regulated as in some European countries.
Here in the U.S.A., we are very lucky that we have so much freedom with our airsoft. Please for airsoft’s sake, don’t ruin it for everyone. Also I will add, I don’t want to sound selfish and only care about us airsofters but as well as the safety of others and this includes but not limited to neighbors, pedestrians, Police Officers, students, or absolutely anyone that might see your airsoft.
Now we can’t afford to forget the basic rules of transporting airsoft:

  1. ALWAYS, and this is a must, transport your airsoft in a sealed bag. There are no exceptions to this rule. Keep in mind that you may know that it’s an airsoft gun BUT your neighbors, pedestrians, Police Officers, students, amongst other people have NO idea that it’s fake. So when they see it they will assume that it’s real and that you mean business. Please for the sake of airsoft NEVER EVER brandish your airsoft unless at a legal field or in your home.
  2. Don’t try and be cool and walk around in fatigues while walking around with a gun bag, you may look cool in your head but a Police Officer or other authorities are going to assume that you may be up to no good. Always respect Police Officers and they will respect you, it’s simple as that! I actually had an opportunity to speak to several Costa Mesa Police Officers who asked me to educate them on the newer and even more realistic airsoft. (Keep in mind that they are used to seeing clear guns) not our more realistic black models. More often than not they are pretty impressed by them and are often intrigued and want to shoot them.
  3. Remember to have them covered in a proper bag, be considerate to other people, and respect everyone. Don’t shoot at people who aren’t playing and most important be safe!

-Creasy / Stryke Airsoft"

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«  Май 2009  »


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